Don Imbroglio Perusal Score

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Don Imbroglio.jpeg

Don Imbroglio Perusal Score


Don Imbroglio is an opera you can't refuse a side-splitting musical theatre experience about opera and the mob, divas and gangsters, love and pastry, and a requiem for a dead cat. 

The FBI and IRS have cracked down on Don  Imbroglios front organization, the non-existent Staten Island Grand Opera and if he doesn't produce an opera quickly, his entire family will go to jail!  Meanwhile, the Dons collegiate daughter, Angelica, brings her hapless boyfriend home for the first time to attend the wedding of the Dons temperamental son, Dante who has his own hands full with his hot-blooded bride, Donna, and broken-hearted ex-girlfriend, Chastity.  All the while, the lecherous family consiglieri, Lascivo, guns for a piece of the action any way he can get it.  After an evening of gun play, word play, poisoned cannoli, whacked cats, and slamming doors, the family gets down to business and produces an opera in Italian with sur-titles written by a "friend of the family," who ahem, doesn't quite speak Italian.

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